Would you like to undergo hyaluronic acid injecting treatment, but do you don’t want long pain or recovery time? With Alba Norsa it is no longer necessary to suffer in the name of beauty thanks to the latest technologies and high expertise in aesthetic medicine.
The first electronic cordless device for hyaluronic acid injections.
If your essential criteria before undergoing an injectable treatment is getting a natural result without immediate side effects with a less painful treatment, TEOSYAL PEN is designed for you. For doctors who want to offer high level filler treatment as the only electronic dispenser specifically designed for injections with hyaluronic acid fillers, thanks to TEOSYAL PEN, gentle injections are now possible.
It is neither a laser nor a radio nor a radio frequency device. "Plasma" from the physical point of view is understood as the fourth state of aggregation of matter (all know the gaseous state, solid and liquid), well, the fourth state lies between the liquid and the gaseous, a kind of " liquefied gas "according to the physicists. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the skin. It contains water like a sponge, to help keep the skin hydrated, soft and compact.
L’acido ialuronico è un componente naturale della pelle. Trattiene acqua come una spugna, per aiutare la pelle a mantenersi idratata, morbida e compatta.
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viale di Porta Vercellina 14
P.IVA 01612040095